To lose such beauty in this world at such a time as this is inconceivable. For a soul that shines so bright everyone around him is better to be gone too soon… this is a tough one as a believer. I know the world would be a better place with him in it. Not kind of. Not a little. But the world is and would be better because he lived. The impact that he would have on people in the future is immeasurable. And the impact he has had on people thus far is nothing short of ordained.
So, I know with every ounce of my being that God is good. I also know that He doesn’t make mistakes. I have walked through dark times where I could see no light. I have come through those times to see that God can and does make light and good from all things–even when it appears no good could come. And I sit here this morning speechless. As good as you can imagine someone being, this guy was better. Even at 18, he left a mark on me. Just as he has left a mark on everyone who has crossed his path. I still can’t make sense. To be honest, I don’t think there is sense to be made. He is healed. But this world so desperately needed him.
He had a light. God’s light. It shined through his smile, his eyes, his mouth. So, it’s our job not to let that light dull. If you loved him, if he touched you, honor him. Try to live more like him. Bring beauty, love and light everywhere you go. Cause that’s what he did.
❤️ Shalom sweet, sweet Spenser